Set against a backdrop of historical Southeast Queensland, The Wilted Rose depicts the true story of an average Brisbane family struggling to cope with several tragedies during the 1960s & 70s.
         The reader rides the emotional rollercoaster alongside the ambitious young Sarah, as she strives to achieve her goals in life, love and career amidst a strict religious upbringing.
From a dairy farm in Maleny to the bustling city of Brisbane, The Wilted Rose follows Sarah’s journey from an A grade student to a career woman of the 1950s, and the challenges she faces balancing her passion for nursing with the traditional path of marriage and children.
         The Wilted Rose unfurls the anguish of a mother as she endures post-natal depression, and the heartbreak of losing of a child in infancy. A husband struggles to keep his family together whilst yearning for the love of his wife, and a daughter longs for a relationship with her mother as she grows and finds her way in the world.
         The book emphasizes the importance of awareness and support for family and suffers of severe depression and tragedy, by portraying to the reader the
lack of these during this time in recent history, in our own backyard.

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